Homepage → Services → Supervised installation

We provide organizational-technical consultation on the mounting of lined products and installation of anchor sheets.

This service includes training and consultation on the:

● Loading/unloading of the products;

● Particularities of installing finished RC structures with lining;

● Preparation of joints and welding of seams by handheld extruder;

● Use and installation of anchor sheet lining.

Upon the completion of technical consultation, we issue a certificate of supervised installation.


Extrusion welding of seams

● Handheld extruders are used for the welding of seams. If you don’t have such extruders, you can order the turnkey welding of seams. Our specialists will help you choose the right beadand do all of the waterproofing work.

Factory drilling of holes

● We drill the right holes under factory conditions. This makes it possible to achieve a better quality joint as compared to on-site drilling.


● We’ll assist you in the delivery of your order to the site, in the event that you can’t pick it up on your own.

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